Friday, January 30, 2009


Oh my God I'm so happy!!!!! I got a new dog!!! (Explanation) I had my old dog, Nikki, for 5 years. I got her when she was 3 years old (I was in 2nd grade). One year after I got her, her first case of breast cancer came, she had an operation and recovered very well. Next year, more cancer. Next, year more and so on and so forth (some years having more than one outbreak) until the 5th year. During the 5th year she did have another cancer outbreak she had her surgery and recovered, after about 7 months ( or more I'm not really sure) she didn't eat very much she got thin and she was dragging and her stomach was huge (she was just spayed so she wasn't pregnant) we took her to the vet and she had a mass (being either cancer or some fluid) in either her stomach or liver. A few weeks later the vet called, the mass was cancer but she still wasn't sure were it was located. Nikki kept on dragging. A week later the vet called, the cancer was in her intestines, there was nothing she could do. We kept Nikki as long as we could. The day we put her down was January 19, 2009. Nikki was 8 years young. She almost got to see her 9th birthday (February 14th).... But today after days of grieving, we got Maximus (Max)! a handsome 3 year old male German Shepherd!!!! He already has made a place for him in my heart ily, ily, ily!!!!! <333333333.

1 comment:

Katie-Banana_Peel said...


I am a new reader of your blog! My name is Jaci, feel free to check out mine and follow it to.

I am so happy you have a new dog!
I love my little girl that I have, I don't know what I'd do with out her sweet face!